Visual Language

Week 6
December 12th, 2013

Final Assignment Part 1: I decided to make a color picker. Drawing inspiration from Venn diagrams, RGB values are added together where the squares overlap and color can be manipulated with a slider. 

The code!

import controlP5.*;
ControlP5 cp5;
int sliderValue = 100;
ColorPicker cp;
Slider abc;

float r=255;
float g=0;
float b=0;
float r1=0;
float g1=255;
float b1=0;
float r2=0;
float g2=0;
float b2=255;

void setup(){
  cp5 = new ControlP5(this);
    cp = cp5.addColorPicker("R")

void draw (){
  println (mouseX +"," + mouseY);
  color c = cp.getColorValue();
  r = 255+red(c);
  b = blue(c);
  g = green(c);
  r1 = red(c);
  b1 = 255+blue(c);
  g1 = green(c);
  r2 = red(c);
  b2 = blue(c);
  g2 = 255+green(c);
  fill(r, g, b);
  rect(200,400, 250, 250);
  fill(r+r1,g+g1, b+b1);
  rect(250, 350, 150, 150);
  fill(r1, g1, b1);
  rect(300, 300, 250, 250);
  fill(r2+r1,g2+g1, b2+b1);
  rect(350, 250, 150, 150);
  fill(r2, g2, b2);
  rect(400, 200,250, 250);
  fill(r2+r1+r,g2+g1+g, b2+b1+b);
  rect(300, 300,50, 50);
  fill(r+r1,g+g1, b+b1);
  rect(250, 350, 150, 150);
  fill(r2+r1,g2+g1, b2+b1);
  rect(350, 250, 150, 150);
  fill(r2+r1+r,g2+g1+g, b2+b1+b);
  rect(300, 300,50, 50);


Assignment Part 2
Looks like I won't be going into the textile business :( 

Week 5
December 5th, 2013

Assignment Part 1Choose a logo that you think is successful and come to class prepared to give a 3 minutes presentation on it; why you like it and if you can track it down, some information about the designer and the story or inspiration behind the logo design. 

Nice logo! or is it the nostalgia talking?

Company History:

"In 1932, Ole Kirk's shop started manufacturing wooden toys, ironing boards, stepladders, piggy banks, and cars. By 1934, the company decided to adopt the name LEGO, formed from the Danish phrase "LEg Godt" ("play well"). In 1962, the first LEGO products were introduced in the U.S in sets of bricks. By 1966, LEGO kits would guide young hard hats in snapping together different kinds of trucks, buildings, ships, and planes. In 1973, a new LEGO logo replaces the former various logotypes to symbolize the expectations that people have of the company. In 1987 the brick logo is presented. A new logo is developed in April 1998. The new LEGO logo unifies all the company's products under one banner."

For Fun:

Assignment Part 2: Design a new logo for ITP!

Creative Brief: ITP seeks a new design for the logo that represents their program. The logo should communicate the mission of the organization best articulated as The Center for the Recently Possible. The logo will be used in large and small format including on banners at events that ITP participates in and in official communications from the school. It should reflect the rigor/seriousness of the program but also the creative and experimental nature of the program.

The audience is those familiar with the program, including existing faculty and alumni as well as those who are being introduced to ITP for the first time including applicants and the media. The logo should use just the acronym – ITP and reference New York University in some way. The need to reference Tisch is optional.


Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is a clinical syndrome in which a decreased number of circulating platelets (thrombocytopenia) manifests as a bleeding tendency, easy bruising (purpura), or extravasation of blood from capillaries into skin and mucous membranes (petechiae). 

Symptoms include: 
An initial impression of the severity of ITP is formed by examining the skin and mucous membranes, as follows:
  • Oozing from a venipuncture site, gingival bleeding, and bruising
  • Headache, blurred vision, somnolence, or loss of consciousness
  • Hypertension and bradycardia, which may be signs of increased intracranial pressure
  • Blurring of the optic disc margins or retinal hemorrhage
Week 4
November 21st, 2013




Week 3
November 14th, 2013

Week 2
November 7th, 2013


Exterior of the Eatery on 4th Street

Motor Oil ad

Signage Redo!!

Conversation Starter?

From Another Time

BBC 'Play' icon

Week 1 
October 31st, 2013
Design Analysis

Original Image

The grid system that I identified, is largely based on vertical elements within the image.The height of the text at the top left invites the eyes to look down at the figures along the length of them and eventually down to the product placed at the bottom. The image also has a clear three part horizontal grid that contributes to an emphasis on the product,sexy and silly elements.

Negative space in this image is used carefully and sparingly.
Just enough so that the figures, text and product pop to the fore.

The positive space in the image dominates.  

The text analyzer that I tried to use could not identify the typography in this image
(nor could I). I can tell you that there are 6 different fonts used.
Maybe this is bad design??

The palette used in this image is red, white, blue and brown. I wonder if this was
 intentionally referencing America and beer?